my heart skip a beats
assalammualaikum,starting from today i will start a new post.i already delleteeeeeeee all my older post except post yang ade satu ni.tupun last year punye.hihi.i just want to change how im write and what story should i write .takpayah lah tulis pasal keburukan diri sendiri kan.itu namanya buka pekung didada sendirii, and yeaah it plus plus kan dosa yang sedia ada kan.i will just write about the current issue or maybe a little bit about my school life.sorry kalau grammar aku terabur.i'll try improve not miss perfect:)
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my heart skip a beats
Thursday, June 9, 2011 | 9:44 AM |
0 Mr(s)
assalammualaikum,starting from today i will start a new post.i already delleteeeeeeee all my older post except post yang ade satu ni.tupun last year punye.hihi.i just want to change how im write and what story should i write .takpayah lah tulis pasal keburukan diri sendiri kan.itu namanya buka pekung didada sendirii, and yeaah it plus plus kan dosa yang sedia ada kan.i will just write about the current issue or maybe a little bit about my school life.sorry kalau grammar aku terabur.i'll try improve not miss perfect:)
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